How to become an Achiever
Please click on the buttons below to go directly to our Enrollment documents, or continue reading for more detailed information and directions regarding our enrollment process.
SPACES ARE LIMITED! Don't wait, apply today!
Important Enrollment Dates
2023-24 Important Enrollment Dates:
New & Prospective Achievers:
- Accepting Open Enrollment packets: February 1st - April 1, 2023
- Post Open Enrollment Applications Accepted: April 2, 2023 - EOY
- Open Enrollment Spots Assigned or Notification of Lottery: April 6, 2023
- Lottery (if applicable): April 13, 2023 (results shared within 24 hours after the lottery)
Returning Achievers:
- Intent-to-Return accepted: February 20th - March 7th
- Complete Re-Enrollment Packet: August 1, 2023
How to Apply - New Achiever(s)
Steps for New/Prospective Achievers
Enrollment begins for all New & Prospective Achievers by attending an Enrollment Meeting/Campus Tour. At the conclusion of the Enrollment Meeting/Campus Tour you will fill out the Pre-Enrollment Application & Parent Questionnaire. If you have not done so, RSVP for the next available appointment. Enrollment meetings are currently being held virtually via Zoom for your convenience, in person, and during the school day for a Campus Tour.
Please remember you must complete the steps above in the enrollment process to secure your Achiever's spot for Fall 2023.
NOTE: Enrollment is processed by grade level. If space is available for all applications in a particular grade level, entrants will be enrolled after the Open Enrollment deadline (April 1, 2023). Any subsequent applications will be placed on a waiting list. A lottery will be held for any grade levels that are oversubscribed (more Achievers than seats available). Families in the lottery will be notified by email.
Families will be notified to complete enrollment/registration if accepted. Please see the next steps below.
How to Complete Enrollment/Registration if Accepted
How to Complete Enrollment/Registration if Accepted:
If your child is awarded a spot, you will be notified via text, email, and postal service. You will have a week to accept and register your child. Paper registration packets are available in the school office or you may fill out the digital forms that will be emailed to you if your child is accepted.
Please note:
You will be required to complete the following if your child is awarded a spot:
1. Achiever Enrollment Application (Applications may be picked up in the office or emailed and filled out digitally.)
2. Submit proof of birthdate (see more information on our "Proof of Birthdate" page)
3. Copy of Immunization records (Go to the Shots for School website to see California Immunization Requirments for school entry.)
4. Residence Verification
5. Achiever Personal Statement (See directions and prompt on the Enrollment Application.)
6. (1) Letter of Recommendation from a Principal or Teacher with knowledge of the Achiever (Attached to Application or on school/company letterhead)
7. Achiever & Parent/Guardian Interview (Scheduled after above items are processed)
Admission Preferences during Open Enrollment
Admission Preferences during Open Enrollment:
Garvey/Allen STEAM Academy is a tuition-free Charter School for grades 5th through 8th with open enrollment available to all students regardless of socio-economic, ethnic, special education eligibility, or racial background.
Garvey/Allen STEAM Academy does not charge tuition, is non-sectarian in admission policies, programs, and all other operations, and does not discriminate against any student, parent, community member, or employee on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
Lottery Info
Lottery Info:
If the number of students applying for admission exceeds the openings available, entrance will be determined by a public random lottery. To be eligible for selection in the lottery, your application must be complete, accurate, and received by 11:59pm on Friday, April 1, 2023. If a lottery is not needed because space is available for all applicants, Achievers will be accepted until the school reaches capacity, at which point a waitlist will be created.
Any lotteries will take place on April 13, 2023
Public Lottery 2023-24 Link
Mrs. Palacios, Registrar & School Clerk
(951) 384-2015
Ms. Moore, School Secretary & Asst. Registrar